The Best Cardio for a Fat Free Life

Ethel Gonzales

Studies have shown that exercising for at least 30 minutes 5 days a week produces the most beneficial results. The thing is, that exercise can cover a huge range of activities provided that your heart rate is raised to a suitable level for your age and remains at that level […]

Lessons From a Diabetes Diagnosis

Ethel Gonzales

On the evening that I was diagnosed with diabetes, I was at the hospital after being hit ny a car. Fortunately, I only had a minor bone fracture in my left arm. The diagnosis of diabetes, howrvrt, was devastating and was confirmed by a docyor who exa,ined me. He prescribed […]

Making Ketogenic Diets Work

Ethel Gonzales

The Truth Ketogenic Diets (more specifically Cyclic Ketogenic Diets) are the most effective diets for achieving rapid, ultra low bodyfat levels with maximum muscle retention! Now, as with all such general statements there are circumstantial exceptions. But done right – which they rarely are – the fat loss achievable on […]

Honey and Cinnamon Remedy

Ethel Gonzales

The combination of honey and cinnamon has been used in both oriental and Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. Cinnamon is one of the oldest spices known to mankind and honey’s popularity has continued throughout history. The two ingredients with unique healing abilities have a long history as a home remedy. Cinnamon’s […]

Is Your Keto Diet Clean or Dirty?

Ethel Gonzales

At CrossFit Diet Tips we have wrote extensively about a good diet program for athletes. Whether you follow a keto style diet, or stick to a Paleo regimen, there are good ways and bad ways to do it. A name alone does not describe a particular diet program. You can […]