Cheerleading Cheers

Ethel Gonzales

Practice makes perfect in cheerleading. Aside from practicing the routines, memorizing chants and cheers are also important. To strengthen a cheerleader’s voice it is recommended that they lie on their stomach while belting out cheers. This helps sound resonate from the stomach rather from the throat.

A cheerleading cheer should always be performed energetically and lively. The cheers should motivate and pump up the crowd. They should be catchy and simple and encourage audience participation.

A cheer should also motivate athletes to perform at their best. Cheerleaders are in the front lines, so to speak, and they promt the crowd to cheer their team on. Nothing beats hearing a stadium full of people chanting their team’s name as a motivational tool.

Another important part of a cheerleader’s skill set is diction. Nobody likes to hear mumbled words; they sounds lazy and dull. People respond best when the words are articulated clearly and belted strongly. The voice is a metaphore of physical strength, which is the psychological reason behind cheerleading for sports teams in the first place.

There are a number of classic cheers to be used in cheerleading, or cheerleading squads can make up their own. No matter what is decided upon, it is the level of commitment that will determine the success of the cheers.

When a cheerleading squad is robust and enthusiastic, any sports team will be galvanized by their presence. Without a cheerleading squad, the players have little but their own willpower to keep them going. A mixture of both will bring wins.

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