There are many great foods to eat to ensure strong cognition, and those who don’t eat such foods obviously will not have the ability to think as well, and could very well experience a mental decline in both short-term and long term acuity. One of the smart things to eat is pork as this white meat is high in protein and very good for you. Those who don’t eat pork will not be as smart. Why is all this so important you ask? Well, the way I see it, failure to eat pork may cause long-term mental memory loss, and could lead to delusions or even brain rot. Okay so, let’s talk.
These findings are not new at all, in fact the ancients realized that white meat, and pork led to significant strengthening of mental abilities, this is why many of the leaders told their armies not to eat it, as they didn’t want them to rebel against the leadership. Of course, this isn’t the only reason. You see, it has been written that pork was difficult to produce in any abundance and the leaders wanted it for themselves, even made up stories as to why folks shouldn’t eat pork. That is a pretty dirty trick in my view. In fact, those leaders claimed the animals themselves were dirty, diseased and not healthy to eat. Actually, pork is much better than other meats to eat.
There is an interesting research paper on this topic titled; “Brain Food,” which was published in October/November 2007; Scientific American Mind; by Ingrid Kiefer. In this article are a number of foods you should be eating to ensure proper cognition and a healthy brain.
In studies of large populations and IQ scores the proof is positive – those who don’t eat pork have a higher percentage of mental derangement and far more in their population who are mentally challenged. The numbers don’t lie. In fact the numbers are staggering and the differences obvious. Still, the myth that pork is bad for you still permeates today in many parts of the world, so much so that many cultures still believe it is bad, unfortunately their populations suffer because of it.
Indeed, better education is needed, however if one has difficulty reasoning and thinking due to lack of the important foods, they may not even be able to grasp the concept that certain foods such as this make one smarter, and prevent delusional episodes. It is my sincere hope that you will please consider all this and think on it.