Meditation Exercise – The Secret Smile

Ethel Gonzales

The Secret Smile is one of Dr. Glenn Morris’ exercises and he wrote about it in his book Pathnotes of an American Ninja Master. Those of us who teach his martial art form, Hoshinjutsu, also teach this regularly in our classes. This is really a fairly easy exercise and I can’t recommend it strongly enough. Energy flows better through a relaxed and happy body and you should get in the habit of making this a regular part of your practice.

Hit the meditation position of choice. Take some time to do the grounding exercise and relax your breathing. Put a smile on your face and keep it there.

To start the Secret Smile first clench your toes as tightly as possible, until it begins to hurt. Relax them and feel the feeling that follows a kind of relaxed, happy, glad not to be tightly clenched feeling. Pull that feeling up across your feet, then up your ankles and up along your calves. Feel it rise up across your knees, then over your thighs and across your hips. Feel the muscles relax as you do this. Draw the feeling up your spine and up over your head and down to the point where your tongue touches the roof of your mouth just behind your front teeth. Mix the relaxed feeling with the saliva in your mouth and then swallow it down and feel it drop down through your body relaxing it as it goes.

Think about a time when you did something well. It can be any event you wish, but think of a time when you did something really right and everyone knew it. Take out the event and just keep the feeling of it. Take that feeling down to your toes and then pull that feeling up across your feet, then up your ankles and up along your calves. Feel it rise up across your knees, then over your thighs and across your hips. Draw the feeling up your spine and up over your head and down to the point where your tongue touches the roof of your mouth just behind your front teeth. Mix the good, competent feeling with the saliva in your mouth and then swallow it down and feel it drop down through your body charging it with the good feeling it as it goes. Let it mix with the first one.

Think about a time when you laughed, a good deep belly laugh that you couldn’t control or stop. Now take out the reason for the laughter, but keep the feeling of it. Take that laughing feeling down to your toes and then pull that laughter up across your feet, then up your ankles and up along your calves. Feel it rise up across your knees, then over your thighs and across your hips. Draw the feeling up your spine and up over your head and down to the point where your tongue touches the roof of your mouth just behind your front teeth. Mix the happy, laughing feeling with the saliva in your mouth and then swallow it down and feel it drop down through your body feeling your body laughing it as it goes. Let it mix with the others.

Think about a time when you were in love, truly, completely, 100%, head over heels, swept off your feet in love. Take out the person or people. Take that feeling down to your toes and then pull it up across your feet, then up your ankles and up along your calves. Feel it rise up across your knees, then over your thighs and across your hips. Draw the feeling up your spine and up over your head and down to the point where your tongue touches the roof of your mouth just behind your front teeth. Mix the loving feeling with the saliva in your mouth and then swallow it down and feel it drop down through your body charging it with complete, unconditional love. Let it mix with the others.

Think about the best orgasm you ever had. Take out the person or people and just keep the feeling of the orgasm. Take that feeling down to your toes and then pull that feeling up across your feet, then up your ankles and up along your calves. Feel it rise up across your knees, then over your thighs and across your hips. Draw the feeling up your spine and up over your head and down to the point where your tongue touches the roof of your mouth just behind your front teeth. Mix the feeling with the saliva in your mouth and then swallow it down and feel it drop down through your body charging it with the good feeling it as it goes. Let it mix with the others.

Feel the combination of the energies now and feel the combined energies swirling around down at your feet. Take the feelings down to your toes and then pull that feeling up across your feet, then up your ankles and up along your calves. Feel it rise up across your knees, then over your thighs and across your hips. Feel the happy, relaxed, loving, competent, sexual energy as it flows up your spine and up over your head and down to the point where your tongue touches the roof of your mouth just behind your front teeth. Mix the combined feelings with the saliva in your mouth and then swallow it down and feel it drop down through your body and then let it flow up again to the top of your head, and then drop down to your feet.

Play with this awhile, run it as often as you can. This is how you should feel all the time; relaxed, happy, loved and sexy. As you get better at this you’ll be able to run it continuously.

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