Predominant Mental Attitude

Ethel Gonzales

Our predominant Mental Attitude is not what we consciously think or even what we tell others we think or feel, it is the underlying emotion that we carry with us and is just out of reach of our consciousness. Thought with corresponding emotion will bring about conditions that correspond precisely to our Predominant Mental Attitude. If we entertain fear, if we hold thoughts of hatred, feel we are not good enough, have low self esteem or feel someone has the power to take advantage of us, then this is a fearful Predominant Mental Attitude. Disaster or any effect which will disempower us will be the result of this form of thought.

What is worse is that any form of fearful thought can and eventually will erase every step of forward momentum or positive effects that we may have spent years to accomplish!!! So what then is the proper method of thought? How are we to think to avoid losing ground mentally and circumstantially? What is it that every single person in the world really wants or is seeking in their life??? Happiness and harmony. Some probably thought I might say money and power, but if we can get to happy and harmonious as our Predominant Mental Attitude, we shall have everything the world can give. If we are happy, we make every soul we touch… happy. Now that is harmony!!! We feel that we can’t be happy without health, friends, nice surroundings, our necessities met plus the ability to provide ourselves with comforts and luxuries that we deserve. We are entitled to the best!

How do we get these requirements met??? By giving them all away first!!! Think thoughts of health amidst the turbulence of disease, give help to friends, appreciate every little thing we have at this very moment and give away thoughts of inspiration, courage, health and happiness to all. Just as a side note, many of us have certain people that we dislike or are uncomfortable with don’t we. Ones who in our estimation are not as deserving as we are perhaps? If we really want to feel the power that we share in action, we need to walk over and talk with them (get out of our comfort zone) and offer our thoughts of love and harmony and appreciation for them, (not out loud, unless you really want to, but just in our own minds). These ‘other’ people are really only us in disguise, “they are we”, and as unsettling or unbelievable as that may be, it’s the truth.

They are only another aspect of who we are (even though they have different points of view than we). By giving away this love part of us, we are setting in motion powerful thought energy (the cause of all things) and this, in turn, will bring about their wonderful effect to us and those we have given them to. We need no religious affiliation to do it, all we need is the desire to improve our own life, and by default we improve other lives as well. This is a very loving thing to do; it makes us a giant among people perhaps. Why do you think many of the multi billionaires today are giving away multiple millions of dollars to aid others? They now realize that ‘giving’ is the real power in the world and that what they give will return beyond their wildest dreams. We are spiritual energy; this is what we really are (so to speak). It is kind of like we are at the full peak of what we could be at any given moment, and to be able to allow more and more really good vibrations into our being, we have to deplete some of our energy by giving it to others.

In this way we create room within us to allow the flow of energy to refill us with exactly what we gave, only now it will come back to us one hundred fold. Now the only way we would be able to accept one hundred times what we gave away is if we could expand and become more than we were before, and this is exactly what we do spiritually, we expand our capacity of the energy of love in the same degree. It works the same way if we give away criticism and hateful energy as well, these also return to replenish our energy (one hundred fold) with the same as we gave and yes we do expand, but in the worst of directions. Thought is spiritual activity and as such is creative, but it must be consciously and constructively directed and thus done, will result in unlimited achievement. Consciousness must change, our Predominant Mental Attitude must change and we can do it by… deciding to do it; that is how simple life is. Do you think? A better question might be “In what way do you think?” What’s your Predominant Mental Attitude? Create Great Thoughts – With No Regard to Logic.

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