Quantum Physics and Mental Radionics – Part 2

Ethel Gonzales


In my previous past (Quantum Physics and Mental Radionics) I described in detail the workings of the Quantum Ocean and Mental Radionics. They are gifts given to us by the Age of Aquarius. We have just entered the Age of Aquarius, and have about 1950 years to go before we enter the Age of Capricorn.

The three most important things in our lives are health, wealth and loving relationships.

Let us talk about health in this article. Quantum Physics, Mental Radionics and Health to be more exact.

We are energy beings. We all are not solid physical bodies. We are several energy fields (Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual) held together by our Aura (Panty Hose) which surrounds us.

In the Quantum Ocean (Mind of God) there exists and archetype or blueprint of a human being. This is the cookie cutter that our Soul uses to create a physical body when it ‘blinks out’ of the Quantum Ocean. (Infinite Ocean of Thinking Energy) into the physical world of time and space.

A brand new Soul, so to speak, or a Soul that is experiencing it’s first physical incarnation would ‘blink out’ and create a perfectly healthy body.

But alas, most of us are older Souls and we have collected down through the a Ages of our incarnations may non-divine energies which have attached themselves to our Souls.

So when we ‘blink out’ into another incarnation our Soul has to use a physical blueprint that has pre-existing energy blockages and form a body that is less God-like.

These energy blockages are what causes illness and dis-eases in the physical body.

If one were to incarnate into the Divine blueprint for a perfectly healthy human body, and lived correctly, by making sure that there is a sufficient flow of life-force (energy) to the physical body and all it’s organs and cells, one would live in perfect health and function, to probably a ripe old age of 144 + years.

But we have been programed with erroneus ideas about health and living. We live amongst millions of people who support these erroneus ideas. We have in the past sabotaged our health with our negative thinking, emoting and acting.

So, here we are with various physical dis-orders dying off at the the early ages of 60, 70, and 80!

But the good news is now with the Laws of Quantum Physics and the Science of Mental Radionics, we can get back on track.

Let us start with the most basic of health excersises, using Mental Radionics.

The Quantum Ocean responds to our thoughts, our images and the use of our symbols.

The Science of Radionics tells us we need three things to practice Magic at a distance: A Power Souce, An Intention, (wish or desire), Thought, Image or symbol, and a Target.

Your mind is the simplest, but very powerful, Radionics device.

Let’s begin our trip back to better health. No one knows the time factor. Each of us is different.

Perform this little Mental Radionics Healing Exercise at least twice a day, (morning and night.)

Sit comfortably in your favorite chair and relax. Breath in and out softly and deeply. When you feel your are in a relaxed state, start your visualization. Visualize that you are sitting in that infinite Ocean of Thinking Energy, the Quantum Ocean (Mind of God!)

Inside this Quantum Ocean is the Divine Blueprint for everything that ever was, is or will be. The Divine Blueprint for perfect health is there.

Take a deep breath and intone,: “I am now manifesting the Divine Blueprint of perfect health out of the Quantum Ocean (Mind of God) into every cell of my body.”

See and feel this blueprint (overlay, pattern) settling down over your body. See it’s sparkling flecks of white light.

Take three breaths and make three intonations. Sit and relax while the energy of the Divine Blueprint enters every cell in your body and starts the healing process.

Here’s what has just happened. Your mind is a powerful Radionics device. When you intoned the words ‘Divine Blueprint’ it reached into the Quantum Ocean (Mind of God) and made contact with that Divine Blueprint.

When you intoned, “…… Into every cell of my body….,” you gave this healing energy a

Your mind (power source) wants perfect health (intention) in every cell of your body, (Target.)

Every day, do not rush or be impatient. How many years or incarnations have you lived or thought incorrectly? How many mental and emotional and spiritual blockages do you have? Only time will tell, and it will take Time. But it works. It is the Law. The Law of Quantum Physics.

Future articles will explain the use of photos, symbols and images to help the healing process.

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