Top 10 Facts on DHEA and Fertility

Ethel Gonzales

Are you considering supplementing with DHEA to increase your chances of falling pregnant?

To assist you in the decision making process we have compiled the following list of facts on the use of DHEA to increase fertility.

These top 10 facts on DHEA, in terms of your fertility, are important to know if you are considering taking DHEA to increase your chances of conceiving and, especially, if you are a woman over the age of 40.

1. What is DHEA?

DHEA stands for dehydroepiandrosterone. Whilst that sounds like a scary term what you basically need to know is that it is an endogenous hormone (which means it is produced by your body). To be exact it is produced by your adrenal glands which sit on top of your kidneys.

2. Why is DHEA Important?

DHEA production in your body is vital as it is a precursor to your sex hormones. These sex hormones are critical to maintain health, muscle tone, sexual function, fertility, and general homeostasis (balance) within the body. Your body’s DHEA production is generally greatest during your mid-20s and then steadily declines as you age. Without adequate DHEA production your body cannot produce the correct amount of estrogen to enable successful ovulation (and thus a fertile cycle).

3. Premature Ovarian Aging

The most common fertility issue, which ladies over the age of 40 who wish to get pregnant experience, is Premature Ovarian Aging (POA). Women who are diagnosed with POA are found to have a much earlier decline of ovarian function than the norm. Clinical trials have shown that participants suffering POA that took DHEA supplementation as a fertility treatment experienced an increased success rate in falling pregnant. This is because the DHEA hormone is a precursor to the sex hormones in your body (estrogen, testosterone, estradiol, etc…), which are necessary for the body to successfully ovulate and create the ideal environment for conception.

4. Which DHEA Supplement Should I Take to Increase Fertility?

Supplemental DHEA for women wishing to increase their fertility levels should not be confused with supplemental 7 Keto DHEA. The Keto hormone, found in 7 Keto DHEA supplements, in your body has already been metabolized past the point where estrogen, estradiol, and estrone can be created from it. In most instances, the DHEA 25 mg supplement is what is necessary to assist older women in becoming pregnant, however you should seek advice from a health care professional before deciding on a dosage amount. For example, a woman in her 30s would need a different dosage to a woman of similar health in her 40s.

5. DHEA Fertility Study Results

A clinical study from Israel showed how the use of DHEA, along with other fertility treatments, actually improved the percentage of conceiving and carrying a healthy pregnancy from 4% to 23% in older women. The DHEA dosage was 75 mg per day and taken for 6 months.

6. Use of DHEA in Fertility Clinics

Over 33% of modern fertility clinics use DHEA fertility treatments to increase the chances of their patients conceiving. DHEA supplementation is used with women even if they have severely diminished ovarian reserves to encourage the hormonal conditions necessary to enable healthy ovulation of the eggs, and therefore increasing the chances of conception.

7. DHEA Lowers the Chances of Miscarriage

A study from the journal of Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology has found that when a woman takes DHEA, it was shown that it also lowers her chances of a miscarriage.

8. Links Between DHEA and Ovulation

The world renowned Mayo Clinic has also issued a statement about the benefits DHEA, in regards to fertility, and its benefits. They agree that a woman taking a DHEA supplement finds it is easier to ovulate and become pregnant.

9. DHEA Side Effects

The recommended DHEA dosage for assistance in fertility by the University of Maryland Medical Center is 25 mg per day. Higher doses might result in unwanted masculine features appearing on the participants.

10. Talk To Your Doctor First

The last, and most important, of our Top 10 Facts on DHEA and Fertility is to speak to your Doctor or health practitioner before commencing any DHEA supplementation. DHEA is still a hormone, which you are introducing into your body. Taking the incorrect amount for your current state of being and purpose can have detrimental effects. So please seek professional advice first!

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