Don’t Think of a Black Cat

Ethel Gonzales

The human mind does not process negative instructions or deletions. If I say “Don’t think of a black cat”, you have to first of all think of a black cat, in order that you can try to carry out the instruction. So for a place kicker in rugby or gridiron, […]

Can Cleaning Help Maintain Good Mental Health?

Ethel Gonzales

When most people think about mental health, they immediately think about depression, stress and anxiety. People will also think about how the causes of poor mental health, such as someone living in poor conditions, someone living in an abusive situation or someone who is suffering an addiction. There are many […]

The 10 Components of Fitness

Ethel Gonzales

Fitness is a concept that is vastly misunderstood and each individual has his/her own way of defining it. What most people do not know is that there are 10 components/elements/facets that make up the state of “Fitness”. All these 10 components need to be improved in an individual for him/her […]