Season-Long Cash Fantasy Football Leagues

Ethel Gonzales

Daily/Weekly fantasy football leagues get the most press nowadays but they are still FAR in the minority of desired games that fantasy football participants like playing. Long before then, the majority of people playing fantasy football will be registering their season-long private fantasy football leagues and joining their season-long public […]

3 Step Formula to Writing Your USP

Ethel Gonzales

There is an easy 3 step formula, and this is something that we are going to do. This is a formula, that was created by a member of GKIC named John Carlton. And this is an easy way to be able to create a USP. You can create it fast, […]

Football Safety Tips For Kids

Ethel Gonzales

Let’s face it: in America, football is king. It is the social glue that holds together countless communities, groups of friends, and even entire families, with millions gathering in the stands and around TV screens annually to share in the thrill of a big game. In some towns, it would […]

My Love Affair With The ‘Widow Maker’ TL1000S

Ethel Gonzales

You would have thought that a bike that quickly became known as the ‘widow maker’ would put off a young, relatively inexperienced rider like myself, but it didn’t. The scare stories made it more appealing, the rumours of power wheelies made it exciting and the drone of a V-Twin with […]

Personal Financial Freedom

Ethel Gonzales

It is important for everyone to understand basics of personal finances and also effectively use them . Any individual has two types of income . Assured income as well as income which is not assured. Assured income is one which will keep flowing whether you are personally working or not […]