Mental Health – Depression

Ethel Gonzales

The early stage of depression is very important. Most people quietly suffer depression and are never diagnosed, while some treat themselves without them knowing by adjusting to nature and exploring their chances of hope. We all feel depressed sometimes but get well over time. After all, being sad is a […]

Shuffleboard Rules (Indoor Table Game)

Ethel Gonzales

Standard Rules: • Before the game begins, you first must decide who gets to throw last, called The Hammer.• To decide who gets The Hammer, each player throws one puck. The puck that is furthest gets The Hammer. • Each player has 4 pucks to throw during a round. Typically, […]

Adopt A Eating plan Ideal For Tantra Practice

Ethel Gonzales

You may possibly speculate what food plan has to do with tantric exercise, so allow for me to make clear. As a tantra teacher, I instruct my college students according to the original ideas and precepts laid down by historical sages. Whilst selected modifications are feasible to the unique context, […]

How to Score 700 on GMAT

Ethel Gonzales

700 is seen as a magic number by many attempting the test. But let’s examine if 700 is really necessary to gain admission to a top-20 business school. Most business schools are still reporting that the average GMAT score for admission is less than 700 but recently it has become […]

Early Morning CrossFit Exercise

Ethel Gonzales

If your CrossFit workout is not part of your first hour of the day, you’re missing out on a ton of benefit. Even if you prefer a later exercise program, exercise the first 30 or 45 minutes of your day and watch your health and productivity explode! A morning exercise […]