Six of us get together to watch rugby as often as possible. We love it and even have a WhatsApp group called Rugby Pals. We used to watch the rugby at the home of one of the group members and most of the time something was happening on the braai, even for the morning games. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with a piece of red meat and sausage for breakfast!
Nowadays we usually watch in town at a restaurant, probably because the wives got tired of doing the washing up. But that doesn’t bother us. There’s no stopping our enthusiasm. We challenge one another on Superbru, wager a couple of Rands, and take the one with the money, the one who ends up on top at the end of the season, out to dinner.
It’s good to have a few friends who can get together and have fun. We care for one another. We are interested in what is going on in one another’s lives. We help one another when we see one lagging behind when life or work becomes too much.
We tell all our other friends about this and invite them to join us. It’s filled with camaraderie and a good space to switch off and recharge our batteries.
So why don’t we spread the Gospel with the same enthusiasm? Why don’t we also have a WhatsApp where we enthusiastically share God’s message of salvation? Why don’t we get together and talk about God’s work in our lives this week, while having something on the braai? Why don’t we share the enjoyment with all our other friends and invite them to come and share in it?
Something is missing.
Especially if I look at the way that Paul does it: 1I, Paul, am a prisoner for the sake of Christ… Something in Paul is on fire and he simply cannot keep quiet. He is not restricted by his circumstances. He doesn’t say that he is in prison and therefore has no contact with the outside world and that his hands are tied and his voice silent.
He is so on fire that he pulls out all the stops to get the message out there despite his circumstances.
And for the first time I get it. If Paul hadn’t been imprisoned, would he still have written the letters that are helping to keep us on the right road today? I don’t know, but what I do know is that God uses the negative circumstances in which we find ourselves to his glory!
Let’s learn from Paul. Let’s not be blinded by our circumstances and let’s be just as excited to get the Gospel out there. Let’s start a WhatsApp group where we encourage one another with God’s Word. Let’s braai something and share God’s Word among our friends. Let’s talk about the wonderful things that God is doing in our lives at work and at home.
God uses crooked sticks like me and you to hit a straight shot. Don’t be shy; you may just save someone’s life!
Philemon 1:1-3
Do you tell others about God?
Do you and your friends tell others about God?
Where can you show God to the world?
Father, I realise I don’t always show the world who You are. Sometimes I’m shy. Sometimes I don’t know how. Sometimes I simply don’t try hard enough. Please teach me and help me to do it. I ask this in Jesus’ Name, Amen.