Who Is My ArchAngel?

Ethel Gonzales

Have you ever wondered if you have a special angel? Most of us have heard of Guardian Angels who are assigned to watch over us from the moment of our birth, but did you know we also have Archangel to ask for guidance and help? Do you want to know […]

Is Tai Chi A Faith or Spiritual Practice?

Ethel Gonzales

Even in present day age of conveniently readily available info, the concern carries on to plague the apply tai chi chuan. In small, the answer is, “No. The follow of tai chi chuan (taijiquan) is not a religion, never ever was a religion and does not originate from a faith. […]

Sport Betting System

Ethel Gonzales

I have also been asked a few times about The Sports Betting Champ System and if I actually use it and if so, why do I make other bets. Well, I do use it and I also make other bets. I like betting too much to just place the systems […]