Some Dangers From Pandemic Fatigue

Ethel Gonzales

After, close to two years, it should surprise no one, many are, at the least, tired of this horrendous pandemic, or even, far – more, fatigued, and sick – and- tired of it, and the impact on our lives! However, this should not, and cannot justify, the utter – disregard […]

Common Symptoms to Help Detect Spinal Cord Injury

Ethel Gonzales

After a car accident or a sports injury, knowing how to recognize whether you or someone else has sustained a spinal cord injury is crucial. If you encounter someone and suspect this injury, one of the most important things to remember is that you should avoid moving the person if […]

Breathe – Your Mental Health Depends on It

Ethel Gonzales

Proper belly breathing increases the flow of oxygen and has a calming effect on the mind and body. To check if you are breathing properly, lie on your back and put a rubber ducky or favorite toy on your abdomen. The duck should float up and down (not your chest). […]