Cardio for Scoliosis

Ethel Gonzales

Scoliosis is defined as a sideways curving of the spine. A normal spine curves inward in the lumbar region and outward in the thoracic region in the mid-back. When the curvature begins to develop laterally, it can affect muscles, nerves, other bones and even organs. The most noticeable symptoms of […]

Salt and the Candida Eating plan

Ethel Gonzales

Salt is the mother of all spices. You have under no circumstances heard of a paprika shaker have you? It is so well regarded and extensively used that it is even worthy of its individual adjective salty. Salt if made use of in moderation is superb at maximizing the taste […]

Cardio Benefits of an Exercise Bike

Ethel Gonzales

Fitness exercise bikes can be used inside the home or in fitness clubs. Many people use cardio equipment to maintain their health and stay in physical shape. Recumbent bikes are extremely popular because they give the user a lot of cardio exercise, which strengthens your heart. There are many benefits […]

Elliptical Trainers – Are You Wasting Your Time?

Ethel Gonzales

Elliptical trainers continue to grow in popularity with both gym users and people who purchase a residential elliptical trainer for use at home. Commercial gyms and health clubs continue to upgrade to newer elliptical trainer models and even get rid of out-dated cardio equipment such as skiers and older model […]

The Keto Diet and Weight Loss

Ethel Gonzales

If you have had a desire to shed some extra pounds, then perhaps you could have come across ketogenic diet, which is popularly known as Keto diet. It is a popular weight loss plan that promises significant weight loss in a short time. But far from what most people believe […]